Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Amazing Grace, truly amazing!

Praise the Lord!
Both Agnes and I celebrate God's goodness in enabling us to journey with Him the past 28 years in full-time ministry. We have completed 28 years as staff with Malaysia Campus Crusade for Christ and have just began our 29th year.

We wish to thank all of you for standing with us all these while. Especially you who trusted us and have expressed so through your prayers and support. We acknowledge that without you and others standing with us, we wouldn't have been able to make it this far.

One key decision for Agnes and I will be to trust God to even do greater things in and through our lives. For us, getting older will not mean slowing down. For us, it will be like Caleb, the dear partner of Joshua, who would go to Joshua after they have crossed into the promised land, to ask, "Give me this mountain." We both will ask God for "This Mountain" - a generation of people God have entrusted us to reach. We will take on "This Mountain" with all our lives in full surrender unto God because only Him can do it in and through us. We will not only faithfully and earnestly seek to fullfill God's calling, but we will feverishly (if there is such description), even liken to being out of our mind, pursuing to do what God has entrusted.

Acts 20:24 fully expresses our heart's intention,"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."

We sincerely invite you to join us in this journey of our lives by faith to fulfill God's purposes for our lives and we thank you in advance. We covet your prayers, support, encouragement and friendship.


Unknown said...

Dear Richard & Agnes,

TAHNIAH! TAHNIAH ! TAHNIAH ! & SYABAS! PUJI TUHAN DAN SYUKUR KEPADA-NYA. Saya secara peribadi turut bersyukur, bergembira dan merasa sangat terdorong kerana Richard dan Agnes sudah dan telah setia mengharungi perjalanan pelayanan yang begitu jauh dan panjang...dalam hati saya merasa begitu terharu dan tak henti-hentinya memuji Tuhan... saya ingin Richard & Agnes tahu bahawa kehadiran kalian dalam MCCC family adalah dorongan yang sangat kuat dan amat berharga buat saya secara peribadi - saya percaya begitu juga dgn staff yang lain. Saya dan keluarga akan sentiasa sokong dalam doa - Selamat meneruskan perjuangan pelayanan dan menikmati buah-buah yang melimpah-ruah sehingga ke akhirnya...Puji Tuhan

Unknown said...


i-youth - Life Worth Living Seminar

i-youth - Life Worth Living Seminar
Living to tell life is still worth living because of Jesus. Lee Chin was totally disfigured in an acid attack, contemplated suicide several time but found Christ and because of Jesus, she lives to tell others Life is Worth Living. Li Chin recently spoke to more than 10,000 people in partnership with Campus Crusade's i-youth, in Kuching

I-youth Venture 2008

I-youth Venture 2008
giving 3 months of your life, March to May every year. From Left: Joyce, from Klang. Jessalynn, local JB gal, Jared - Klang, all 3 have completed STPM, got their result, applied for Local University and finally, Jocelyn from Perlis who have also completed SPM and planning to pursue Study in a Private College.